Why TAS after-school learning Program is better than others’

TAS After School Learning Program

TAS after-school learning program sets a benchmark for private tutoring. It is a perfect way to keep a check on kids and ensuring they complete their homework on time. TAS offers a safe and dedicated learning environment with one on one attention on every child to assure the timely progress, understanding and individual growth of the student.
TAS after-school learning program is STEM-based learning with daily reading sessions, constant reviews, feedback on homework help from expert staff and tutors along with other perks like fun daily activities and free pick up service to assure all comforts to your child. Private tutoring and mention are important for safe, fun and productive learning of a child.

Qualitative, Safe and Interactive Learning Environment 

TAS after-school learning program aims to offer quality care for the totally safe, nurturing and educational environment for the child by daily interactive sessions for the overall growth and development of all students.

Qualitative and Safe Learning environment

TAS has demarcated a set schedule for all students which starts with pick up service to break time for lunch before they start working on their assignments. After the designated homework time, a TAS tutor makes sure the child understands the concepts nicely and checks the answers. This gives a platform for young students to address their queries and concerns right there and then with help of the expert staff.

Build Reading Skill with Mandatory Reading Sessions
There is a mandatory reading session every day to help students build their reading skills and each day closes with fun group activities for a friendly day off.

Build Reading Skills

The schedule is systematical designed keeping in mind a quota for productive learning and healthy interactions which is essential for overall growth and development of students.

Creative Activities & Problem Solving Sessions

TAS tutors from after-school learning program put student’s education as their top priority and are available after the course duration for problem-solving sessions to help students in every possible manner.

Problem Solving Sessions

TAS offers best middle school tutoring program which is the combination of creative activities, problem-solving, math’s tutoring, games, puzzles, reading and lot more.
After-school Learning program effects on student’s behavior as they feel a sense of belonging in the environment with familiar kids. It is a great platform to help kids with academic support and enhance their social skills

Explore New Interests under expert supervision

After school learning program Activities makes learning more fun, stress-free and meaningful together in groups.

Explore New Interests

After school learning programs offer a lot of benefits when it comes about exposing the students to new interests and assuring learning under expert supervision and watching your child gain faith and confidence in himself.
Enroll now for presenting your best performance in After school learning programs this year! 


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